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Marine Conservation Happy Hour

Sep 28, 2023

Dr Scarlett Smash & Dr Craken MacCraic talk about the history of sea monsters and the sea creatures that appear in the game, books and TV show of the Witcher. Craken gives his case that witcher 4 should include more underwater adventures and should open a new ocean-themed witcher school. 

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Sep 26, 2023

Dr Scarlett Smash & Dr Craken MacCraic talk about some of the latest science and discoveries about ocean climate change. 

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Sep 21, 2023

Dr Scarlett Smash & Dr Craken MacCraic talk about new laws that countries are introducing making ecocide illegal. What is ecocide? Tune into the show to find out!

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Sep 19, 2023

Dr Scarlett Smash & Dr Craken MacCraic talk about a new ranking of the best (and worst) environmental groups to work for. Who treats their employees well and which environmental groups should be avoided as they're toxic workplaces!

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Sep 14, 2023

Dr Scarlett Smash & Dr Craken MacCraic talk about the history and recent passing of the orca Lolita, or Tokitae, at the Miami Seaquarium and the controversy behind her death.

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