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Marine Conservation Happy Hour

Jul 30, 2020

The MCHH Crew is delighted to have Nikita Shiel-Rolle back on the episode to discuss the difference between Community Science and Citizen Science through an example in the Bahamas.  

Cat Islands Conservation Institute:

MCHH Instagram


Jul 28, 2020

The MCCH Crew sits down with the Cat Island Queen Mermaid herself, Nikita Shiel-Rolle, to discuss how she expresses her love for the Ocean through YouTube Videos. 

Nikita's Links:
YouTube Channel:


MCHH Instagram


Jul 23, 2020

The MCHH Crew continues their discussion with the Antarctic Heritage Trust on the work that they conduct in the harshest of climates.

What type of research would you want to do if you had the chance to go to the Antarctic? Share your desires on the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

Jul 21, 2020

The MCHH Crew sits down with the Antarctic Marine Trust to discuss what it's like to do research and exploration in the Antarctic.

Have you ever done research and/or exploration in the Antarctic? Tell us about your experience in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

MCHH Instagram

Jul 17, 2020

A special, silly, light-hearted, big- special-effects-budgeted, one-off, marine-themed adventure featuring the hosts from multiple marine-themed and science podcasts.

A group of aquatic adventurers band together to save the last of the Boops boops fish from their nemesis: celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay. The adventurers...