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Marine Conservation Happy Hour

Nov 3, 2020

The MCHH Crew discusses a recent study that prediction over 23 million tons of plastic pollution will go into the Ocean. Dr. Smash thinks the news is depressing while Dr. Craken makes a case to see the silver lining with the issue. 

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Mar 26, 2020

The MCHH Crew discusses how researchers discovered microplastics in tiny crustaceans in the Mariana Trench. The discussion moves to a more positive vide by talking about certain animals that eat plastics. 

Do you think we can rely on animals to eat plastic to solve our pollution problem? Share your thoughts in the Speak...

Aug 14, 2019

Craken, Smash and Alicia Amerson get together to discuss why they keep getting junk mail from Environmental Non-Profit Organizations.

Are you tired of the same thing? Share your thoughts in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:


May 3, 2018

The MCHH crew of @Craken_MacCraic, @DrScarlettSmash and @SpeakUpForBlue drunkenly discuss whether we are getting through to people about how much plastic pollution we are contributing to the ocean (directly and indirectly). The topic stemmed from an article about a Blue Planet II episode, where Sir David Attenborough...