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Marine Conservation Happy Hour

Aug 6, 2020

The MCHH Crew was joined by some great special guests. Andrew Kornblatt (from Speak Up For Blue Podcast Network's Ocean Science Radio) and Dominic Crapuchettes (from North Star Games - Link below) joined the podcast to discuss Dominic's entertaining, highly competative AND educational board game called "Oceans". During...

Feb 19, 2020

Andrew Kornblatt, host of the Ocean Science Radio Podcast, joins the MCHH Crew to talk about the latest and greatest Marine Conservation Board Games as a tool for SciComm.

What is your favourite Marine Conservation Board Game? Share yours in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

Feb 26, 2019

The MCHH crew are joined by Katharine and Peter Baumgartner who are entrepreneurs with the goal of bringing about awareness for the Ocean through board games. We talk to them about the process of creating a game and discuss the amount of testing they did to get feedback and refine the game.

Do you have an Ocean Board...